The Center for the Advancement of Body Literacy (CABL) is a 501c3 organization that provides practical, evidence-based education and materials to promote body literacy and foster a culture of informed, empowered sexual and reproductive autonomy.
Our intended work includes:
  • the creation and dissemination of comprehensive educational materials that center an inclusive, empowering perspective on bodies and sex;
  • an ongoing inquiry into body literacy as an essential component of birth control and family planning, particularly when used alongside barrier methods;
  • creating and disseminating training materials for medical and other relevant care providers in the skills required to offer trauma-informed, consent-based care and attuned education to patients and clients, particularly in the gynecological space;
  • outreach and relationship-building in communities where it is challenging to access such education and materials, both in the US and globally, in order to create the most culturally sensitive, responsive and relevant materials possible;
  • platforming leading and emerging educators to teach on these and other relevant topics for the community;
  • building and maintaining a well-designed, resilient online platform to host all educational content and aggregated resources.
  • We are doing big things. Stay tuned as we decloak over the next few months.